Welcome to my health blog!


As my introductory blog entry, I welcome you to this site and I invite you to follow along as I explore how our bodies work, specifically in the realm of how we maintain good health and achieve our goals.

I have been a student of health and well-being for most of my life, and have been doing so in a professional position since 1990. When I opened my first health clinic in 1998, my favorite tag line line at the time was “Health without drugs or surgery”. This spoke to my focus on enhancing our body’s natural healing mechanisms, to see how much health improvements could be had via exploring these “natural” methods first, prior to electing treatment by medications and/or surgeries.

With my work to that point mostly focused on the musculoskeletal issues found in athletic performance and injury, I was primarily using the skilled techniques of fascial alignment and neuromuscular release. I learned much from professional athletes and I was very fortunate to spend time with Olympic athletes at the New Orleans Track and Field Trials in 1992. It was wonderful to see athletic performance benefit from simply enhancing the musculoskeletal alignment.

Surprisingly at the time (to me), my work with musculoskeletal release leading to performance showed an added benefit of also enhancing rehab from required surgeries. Makes sense though, being that the muscles are more aligned in action, and with each involved muscle being in a state of less tension.

Several years later, I had a new favorite clinic tag line of “Becoming who you really are”, because this spoke to my newly acquired understanding of how I felt about myself had much to do with how much pain I had. My therapy skills had moved in to more subtle areas of the human body including the cranio-sacral mechanisms and led to my understanding of the systemic nature of health and illness. I had entered the world where much of my work dealt with chronic pain issues. And once again I had this opportunity to discover how the human body has natural systems that can be facilitated and thereby improve health.

As with the myofascial techniques enhancing rehab from surgeries, I found that these cranio-sacral treatment skills that were effective for easing chronic pains could also reduce reliance on pain medications. Another bonus.

Now many years later, I have put together a log of natural human body physiology functions that can be enhanced via therapies and self-care that can both improve and maintain our health. In the following blog entries I will expand these in detail for you to get a better understanding of how your body works and what things you can personally do to help you stay on the path of good health. And the benefits are much more than just health, as we all know, as they also include fun, joy, happiness, and nice easy living :).

Be sure to enjoy your day and come back again soon for more conversation!

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