A COVID STORY — I was going to use this next blog post as an introduction to a Jin Shin Jyutsu daily self-help health program, however my first covid virus experience has now come my way and I am choosing to write about my experiences with it instead. 

Yes, I got a “cold” a couple of weeks ago, and as it felt like a regular cold plus my home covid test was negative (on day 2), I settled in for a couple days of regular “at home cold care”. However, on day 4, my symptoms were beginning to feel different and my 2nd home covid test was now positive, then a quick trip to the medical clinic confirmed covid via a positive PCR test. 

I am basically healthy, and my medication list is zero, and whenever I get the occasional “cold” I alter my daily work schedule to allow a little bit of time each and every day for some self-care rituals. Now that I had a confirmed covid case and since this is my first time with covid, I decided to be very alert as to how each and every moment felt. And because of the covid, i expanded my regular “cold treatment” protocol to include more self-care treatments for Lungs as this is where the serious symptoms were being reported. 

I am happy to report that I am through it now, feeling a clearing by day 11, and for whatever meaning it brings, my antigen covid test was negative at day 14.

Perhaps the most important facts to relate in this blog post are the difference in symptoms that I felt from a “normal cold” and some detail of the self-help care procedure that I chose to do.

My chosen daily routine was:

(1) beginning each morning with my Kudalini breathing/yoga routine: 20 minutes of exercise with the bellows-breath accompaniment; it felt good to have this “exercise and chi enhancement” of my lungs each day. 

(2) my daily herbs in the form of Chinese tea pills of Yin Chiao for the sore throat (my initial symptom), then Pe Min Kan Whan for the soon developing phlegm in the sinuses, and Clean Air for the soon developing cough and weakness feeling in my lungs [all herbs are the Plum Flower brand and are available to anyone, e.g. Amazon — i am not a Chinese Herbalist and I am not prescribing these herbs to anyone; these are my own remedies that I have adopted, however this herb program is “the usual” for most anyone with a common cold as I understand].

(3) my good daily multi-vitamin plus some added vitamin D, some astragalus, mullein drops, and elderberry drops.

(4) lots and lots of warm liquids, e.g. soups with fresh vegetables, especially carrots, celery, and kale, plus sprouts and sprouted legumes (yes, in addition to my (warmed) juices, this is all I ate for the first six days, seriously).

(5) twice a day neti pot for cleansing and clearing my sinuses.

My symptoms seemed typical of a common cold at first [sore throat, “spongy head”, some phlegm — all developing in that order]. What was different occurred on the morning of day 4 when my “spongy head” definitely intensified and my voice began to suddenly feel like it was coming from within my sinuses and also sounded as such, strangely like speaking inside a bell — this was quite unlike any prior cold symptoms I had experienced. This odd voice would continue, at times worsening then lessening on and off, for about 5 more days. About day 7 is when my breath began to feel weak and I had some coughing come on. I slept well through each night and slept long in to the morning, often 10 hours each night. I also took at least two naps each day. These times in bed was when I would do my Jin Shin “self-help flows” and they usually put me to sleep anyways. Then on the morning of day 11, I felt obviously better, a clear head, less need for naps that day. I kept up for a couple more days with the Kundalini, the herbs, and the Jin Shin. I write this at day 16 and now all is well 🙂

The following web link is a short youtube video clip of one particular useful Jin Shin flow that I used that one can watch and follow along with. Jin Shin flows are very simple yet quite useful. For example, this LUNG Flow, which I do not usually do for a cold because my body does not “call” for it, was very clearly the most “called for” Jin Shin Flow through this covid time that I experienced, hence my continued inclusion of it. While doing one of these Jin Shin flows, it is easy to “feel” what is called for by the pulse activity, so feel free to try it and you will probably feel what I mean. In the videos I lightly describe the “how to’s” to make it easy for anyone to follow along and get the benefits. I have been a practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu for 30 years so what is obvious and easy for me may seem at first more involved to others, yet stay with it and soon you will find it fairly natural. I am always available for your questions, just call or write me and I will be happy to express more.

And speaking of Jin Shin Jyutsu, I wish to  explain that this therapy is useful both as a self-help program and as a treatment session based program here at the office. It is quite useful for long covid symptoms specifically, plus many other health issues not well treated by other techniques. Again, please call or write and I will be happy to elaborate.

Video web links below:

Stay tuned for the next blog on more health tips…